“The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), while establishing a needed EU-wide privacy framework, will unfortunately inhibit the development and use of AI in Europe, putting firms in the EU at a competitive disadvantage to their North American and Asian competitors,” say the authors of a new report by the Center for Data Innovation in Washington.

The bloc needs to take a closer look at the GDPR and install reforms to the law, the report’s authors say.

Among steps the report suggests:

  • Expand authorized uses of AI in the public interest.
  • Allow re-purposing of data that present minimal risk of harm to individuals and does not involve the transfer of data from one controller to another.
  • Remove “the broad right to human review of algorithmic decisions” from the GDPR.
  • Permit basic explanations of automated decisions rather than detailed information about the logic, which may not be available, may be impractical to provide, or would require disclosing proprietary information.
  • Make fines proportional to harm.

Details from US News and World Report.