California Privacy Rights Act

The United Kingdom’s Information Commissioner’s Office recently issued guidance on how to keep employment records.

This is good advise for employers beyond Europe (and particularly in California). The data

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Why is the new noyb action against websites and data brokers regarding cookie-based authentication important for compliance with the new U.S. privacy laws?

Because they set out to equivocally confirm

Continue Reading To Best Comply With US Privacy Laws, It Can Be Helpful to Look to Europe

“The times they are a-changin’,” Bob Dylan sang almost 60 years ago. And when it comes to consumers’ reasonable expectations of privacy, they are still a-changin.

I recently participated in

Continue Reading US Privacy Laws and Legislation: What You Need to Know

The California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) has issued a Final Statement of Reasons for amended California Consumer Privacy (CCPA) regulations.

Key Points:

The amendments were “necessary” (used 135 times), just

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If you are a GDPR-compliant company, does that mean you can start doing business in the United States with no additional thoughts about privacy?

As Simon Cowell says: “It’s a

Continue Reading What Does the EU-US “Draftequacy” Decision Mean for Companies Right Now?