Data Security Breach Response

Don’t store users’ passwords in cleartext. Really.

It’s not a good idea. Also, it may be deemed a ‘knowing violation’ of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirement to
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Cybersecurity positions are increasingly difficult to fill and the long-term prospects for the industry don’t appear to be getting any brighter, Ericka Chickowski warns at the blog DARKReading. More than 25 percent of organizations take six months or longer to fill priority positions, she reports in “Desperately Seeking Security: 6 Skills Most In Demand.”
Continue Reading Good Cyber Help Is Hard To Find

On June 14, Fox Partner Scott Vernick appeared on live-streaming financial news network Cheddar to provide background information on the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation, which goes into effect
Continue Reading Fox Partner Scott Vernick Appears on Cheddar To Discuss GDPR Compliance Issues

With over 123,000 computers infected, experts believe the “WannaCrypt” attacks have stopped after researchers registered a domain that the software checks before encrypting. However, nothing is stopping someone from revising the software to not require that check and releasing it into the wild. In other words, do not expect the infections to stop.
Continue Reading After the “WannaCrypt / WannaCry / WCry” Malware, Microsoft Pushes Update to Current and Unsupported Versions of Windows

On March 15, Fox Rothschild partner Scott Vernick will participate in a panel discussion on Developments in Data Privacy & Security as part of the 2017 Argyle Chief Legal Officer
Continue Reading March 15: Scott Vernick To Speak on Developments in Data Privacy and Security at Argyle Chief Legal Officer Leadership Forum in New York