On the sixth day of CCPA the California Senate Health Committee gave to me … a HIPAA carve-out.
AB 713, reported favorably by the California Senate Health Committee, would expand the exemption related to HIPAA and medical research.
Specific carve-outs:
- De-identified PHI or medical information, provided that the business does not attempt nor actually re-identify the information
- “Business associates”
- Personal information collected for, or used in, biomedical research subject to institutional review board standards and the Common Rule.
- Personal information collected for or used in research, subject to all applicable ethics and privacy laws, if the information is either individually identifiable health information or medical information.
Additional change:
Required disclosure, in the privacy notice, of whether information de-identified under HIPAA has been disclosed/sold in the preceding 12 months and if so, whether it had been de-identified using the “expert method” or the “safe harbor method”
Details available on the California Legislative Information website.