“German regional data protection authorities have imposed fines in 75 cases totaling EUR 449,000 for breaches of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), since it came into effect in May 2018,” Welt Am Sonntag reports.
“While fines have been low, it is important to note that regulators have other tools in their ‘belt of remedies’, including prohibiting further processing of personal data until an issue has been rectified. This may have a greater impact on companies than fines, large or small.”
“Fines have been imposed in six federal states. In Baden-Wurttemberg, for example, the data protection authorities imposed fines worth EUR 203,000 in seven cases, in Rhineland-Palatinate EUR 124,000 for nine cases, in Berlin EUR 105,600 for eighteen cases and in Hamburg, EUR 25,000 for two cases, the report added.”